Defense of qualifying works!!!

On December 19, the defense of qualification works by students of the second master’s degree in higher education, specialty 201 Agronomy, was completed. Congratulations to the students and their supervisors on their successful defense! Each student is a true professional Читати далі


Teachers and students of the Department took part in the STEFANYK OPEN DAY event of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. During this event, lyceum students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the prospects of education and scientific development.


The staff of the department in the person of the guarantor of OP 201 Agronomy Ulyana Karbivska received an unexpected THANK YOU from the head of the CIA group of the military unit A4667, Major Vitalii Savoiskyi (student of the Читати далі

An open lecture!!!

On 17 October 2024, Diana Shelenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Applied Economics, gave an open lecture on the discipline “Land Valuation” for applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education majoring in Читати далі

Freshman Day!!!

On 3 September, the Faculty of Natural Sciences hosted a solemn event dedicated to Freshman Day. This event brought together teachers, students, parents and friends of the Faculty, in particular the Department of Forestry and Agricultural Management.   The Vice-Rector Читати далі

06.03.2020 року о 9:00 у 203 аудиторії професор Університету міста Орлеан (Франція), доктор в галузі рослинної біології та лісознавства Domenico Morabito провів відкриту лекцію на тему: “Використання біочару з метою очищення ґрунту, забрудненого важкими металами та застосування нітратів у ґрунтах сільськогосподарського призначення”. Читати далі