The Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Soils (LFHG) is a structural subdivision of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”.
The laboratory was established in 2003 with the purpose of providing laboratory and practical classes for students of the specialties “Biology”, “Agrochemistry and soil science”, “Forestry”, “Ecology”, as well as carrying out research work in accordance with the individual research plans of postgraduate students and faculty members of the departments. Faculty of Natural Sciences. On the basis of LFHG, laboratory works are conducted on such disciplines as soil science, physics and chemistry of soil, agrochemistry, agroecology, soil diagnostics, land quality assessment, geography of soils.
The Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of the soil of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science, in accordance with the Certificate of Certification IF 549 dated December 30, 2011, performs a set of works on analytical and advisory support for the development of land management projects: conducting soil-agrochemical surveys for the development of land management projects; agrochemical certification of land plots (fields); development of pre-design schemes-models for land management territory under landing of perennial plantations, forage lands; development of scientifically grounded crop rotation for highly specialized farms; development of projects for the restoration of fertility of destroyed lands.
Main directions of activity of the laboratory: provision of laboratory and practical works for students of the Institute of Natural Sciences on a high scientific and methodological level with the use of modern techniques; research works for the purpose of preparation of qualification, diploma and master’s works of students, as well as within the scientific subjects of postgraduate students and teachers of the Institute; development of educational and methodological materials for the purpose of improving the quality of the educational process, improvement and testing of new methods of conducting laboratory analyzes.
The main purpose of conducting laboratory and practical classes is the formation of practical and analytical skills for students during the study of soils. The Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of the Soil provides students with a wide range of laboratory analysis of soil, plants and fertilizers.