For the specialty “Agronomy” curricula were developed in accordance with the level of training of specialists. The structure of the curriculum of the department corresponds to the modern standards of training of highly qualified undergraduate masters. Lectures and practical classes on humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines are conducted by highly skilled teachers of institutes: law, philology, history and political science, as well as philosophical, economic faculties and foreign language department. Classes take place in the classrooms of the faculty of natural sciences.

Practical classes in mathematics, computer science with the basics of geoinformatics are conducted in specialized computer classes of the faculty. Professional subjects of specialization “Agrochemistry and soil science” are taught by professors, docents, teachers and assistants of the department.

The teachers of the Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science teach the disciplines “Soil Science”, “Geography of Soils with Fundamentals of Soil Science”, “Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Geography”, “Meteorology”, “Hydrology”, “Agroecology” on various specialties of biological, chemical, geographical, forestry “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”.